
Showing posts from February, 2022

AI helps contain Fusion Plasma

  "Power of the sun in the palm of my hand" Many may remember this line from Toby Maguire's Spiderman 2 uttered by Dr. Otto Octavius. Well, the technology of the power of the sun is not far off in real-life. Usable fusion power has been dreamed of for decades and we get closer to it every year. Practical fusion reactors of today apply heat to atoms to generate fusion plasma. This plasma, when heated to the requisite temperatures (hundreds of millions of degrees), begin to cause atoms to fuse and release large amounts of energy. One day, we hope, the amount of energy used to run the reactor will be surmounted by the energy released, thus providing a clean, unlimited, eco-friendly power source, one to match the sun itself. In order to contain the fusion plasma (after all, earthly materials are not going to be capable of withstanding the heat), magnetic containment is necessary. To help control the delicate process of confinement of ultra-hot plasma, AI techniques are now be

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